About Us

Busy Bee Apiaries is a family owned and operated apiary located in a small rural community called Russia (Roo-Shee) in Shelby County, Ohio.  Our business was originally created as a hobby, something to do on the weekends, but has quickly turned into a passion and thriving small-business.  Our apiary started with two hives and continues to grow and expand each year.  Our bees are well cared for, because we are firm believers that our world would look much different without them.  The honeybee population has experienced a huge decline in the past several years, mostly due to changing environmental conditions and severe weather events.  With that in mind, we are dedicated to increasing the population and welcome the opportunity to rescue hives that may have found themselves in a place they are not welcome.  All of our rescued bees are placed into a hive and re-located to a natural environment where they can thrive and continue their vital work.  We welcome all donations and use every penny to purchase new equipment for our bees.  To make donating easy we have created a GoFundMe account at 🐝 https://gofund.me/5667d659 🐝 .  Please help us with our mission by visiting our catalog and purchasing our wonderfully sweet honey products.  You can also support your local farmers by frequenting your local farmer's markets and purchasing the products that our bees have helped them create.  We need the bees!!